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How to improve ecommerce marketing plan

In this article, you will see how to improve your eCommerce marketing plan and get the most out of it.

Published on Dec 31, 2021

 eCommerce Marketing Plan

Ecommerce marketing is a complex and ever-evolving field. It takes skill and creativity to develop new and effective ways to market your products or services. A well-executed marketing campaign is the best way to stand out from your competition. This helps you strengthen and grow customers while also increasing sales for the business as a whole.

If you want to improve your eCommerce marketing plan, you need to start by evaluating what’s currently working and what isn’t. Take a look at your website design, content strategy, and social media outreach. Are there any areas where you could make improvements? If so, make a note of them and make the necessary changes. Also, be sure to keep track of your results so that you can measure the effectiveness of your new plan. 

To attract and entice customers to your eCommerce site, you need to use several strategies to attract people looking for your products. This guide includes essential strategies that any business could use right now, big or small!

Understanding eCommerce Marketing?

eCommerce Marketing is the wave of tomorrow and today! The best way to get ahead in business? Investing your money in digital marketing methods like social media campaigns. You can use these strategies to attract customers, build brand awareness (which leads naturally into conversions), and drive attention towards what you’re selling online.

These days’ eCommerce marketers have many options than just traditional advertising techniques at their disposal. Content creation on platforms like Instagram Stories lets users see what they’re interested in before buying anything.

Here are a few ways that businesses use digital media and other channels like email campaigns or pop-ups to sell their products online:

  • Digital imagery
  • Banners 
  • Paid digital ads 
  • Mobile applications
  • PPC services
  • Search engine rankings 
  • Social media platforms

Cost-effective eCommerce Marketing Strategies

Marketing a business online is not easy, and it’s important to have the right strategies in place. Consider these low-cost marketing as building blocks of your overall eCommerce marketing strategy because one single action can yield great benefits years down the road!

Create an Ecommerce Website

Let’s think about the tactics used by eCommerce businesses to build up their overall marketing strategy. Even if you only do one thing, whether posting on your blog or updating some keywords in Google Search Console, that will give returns for years!

Easy navigation with clear policies for returns or exchanges offers a smooth shopping experience and custom professional content. Creating a knowledge-based website and using blogs on-site to provide online credibility and authority using SEO techniques that increase rank within search listings.

Optimize Your Site for Search Engine Results

SEO continues to be an essential element of marketing. You want your site and product pages fully optimized for the keywords that will help you rank among competitors’ products or services. It gives potential customers easy access to what they’re looking for through keyword searches. 

You can boost your website’s ranking in search results by ensuring that you include appropriate keywords throughout the site. For example, if potential customers are looking for a product named “timepiece” but yours has been listed under watches, then it may be worth changing this on all content pages related to timepieces, so they’ll find what they’re seeking more easily!

Add Reviews on Product Pages

Search engines like Google consider customer reviews when ranking websites in their search results. Consumer product reviews strengthen your online presence and increase the likelihood of converting a potential client into a paying client.

88% of consumers read reviews before making a buying decision, and if there is no positive feedback, they will not buy the product. Be sure your potential customers see the same things other happy clients have seen. Because of this, there are many plugins for WordPress or Shopify apps that allow easy uploading of customer images and videos!

Take Advantage of Content Marketing

Content marketing doesn’t just mean blogging! Using lead magnets like ebooks will bring customers into your site and encourage them to take action on an offer you’ve made. It will help build organic search ranking for products, but don’t forget that blogs should be more than new product announcements.

Individuals need content around topics such as how-to guides or industry news, so people who find out about these items through other channels visit yours too.

Utilize Social Media for Marketing

Social media marketing is a valuable and powerful tool to build your business and connect with customers. You can also use it for networking, as you share what people are up to on social platforms like Facebook or Twitter. It makes them feel more connected than ever before! The benefits of using multiple forms (such as posting pictures) vs. just one form might surprise many businesses. They help create an impression that lasts much longer than any single interaction could ever hope to achieve.

Success on social media relies heavily upon the exciting text and visual imagery to drive traffic to your website, product pages. You must devise tailored strategies for each platform based on what it offers before choosing which ones are best for our company.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a popular eCommerce strategy. Depending on which social influencers you choose, this could be an incredibly expensive venture – especially if they have millions of followers! Provide products or services to influencers who are followed by the people you want as clients so they can build an engaged following before promoting other brands.

Micro-influencers are the future of marketing because they can be just as effective for promoting products or services if targeted at an audience with enough followers. Micro influencer recommendations tend towards being trusted more by users than those paid for directly – which makes them ideal marketers!

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cornerstone of eCommerce, and if you don’t think it can be effective, you’re wrong. With great visuals or outstanding copywriting (or both!)Email campaigns offer targeted suggestions for products and announcements on sales events happening now.

A customized email opens 75% more often than one without personalization. Include user names in the subject line or automatically customize your recommendations based on past purchases with segmented email lists to increase their reading chances.

Develop a Shoppable Instagram

Instagram has become a popular social media site for retail businesses to highlight their products. The most powerful way to maximize your Instagram marketing is by making it shoppable. Instead of posting boring text-based content, eCommerce companies can now engage customers with photo and video posts that immediately show off product features in an eye-catching way while also being easy on-screen time. 

You can create actual shoppable posts with Shopify stores and certain select brands. After clicking on them, users can view basic information, such as price, and purchase them.

Search Engine Marketing & PPC Marketing Strategies

PPC advertising, like SEM and SEO, allows you to pay to display your ads with the information that people are searching for. Users will be more likely to look up information from these links rather than coming directly here without any preferences set by previous browsing history.

PPC advertising uses a bidding system in which advertisers bid for user placements and then pay when those users take action, such as clicking or converting. You can spend more on this option, but you can also target your audience more aggressively and put your products in front of them.

Listed below are the four most popular options.

Facebook Ads

People constantly seek new ways to grow their businesses and connect with prospective customers. Facebook Ads allow you to do both of these things in an extremely targeted way through the use of video ads, targeting audiences based on specific interests or demographics. 

Facebook has released new tools that allow users to run ads across their network in complex campaigns. The biggest difference between Google AdWords and this platform is how you target your audience. Now, you can target people by location, age, or behavior instead of just by search intent, to introduce them to your product without waiting for organic results.

Google Adwords

Google’s Adwords platform makes it easy to find your target audience and reach them with the right message just in time. With two different networks, you can choose which one will work best for reaching out directly or letting people come across your content naturally through search engines.

Google’s Search Network is an excellent way to connect with users actively searching for the keywords you want. For example, if your business specializes in landscaping services, then bid on every ad shown when someone types “Landscaper In Tallahassee.” This will ensure that potential customers see exactly what they need and can get started right away!

Promoted Pins

Promoted Pins is Pinterest’s ad platform that can help you reach more of the people looking for what your business offers. With this new advertising option, eCommerce businesses have access to an engaging way not only to promote their products. But also engage with potential clients through relevant search engine results and feed updates from users on mobile devices.


Retargeting involves sending targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with your brand. Facebook is undoubtedly the king of retargeting, especially when it comes to displaying ads that work well for re-engagement campaigns.

Nearly half (44 percent) of social media users already have an account and are engaged somehow. It means they are perfect for targeting your content or advertising directly through Facebook.

Technology-based eCommerce Marketing Strategies

High-tech eCommerce strategies are best suited for larger businesses with the resources to invest in high-tech marketing campaigns. These more expensive tactics can produce a much higher ROI than traditional low-tech methods, but they come at some cost.

One such strategy includes creating an application that will allow customers to access information about products directly from their smartphones. While another popular one would involve utilizing VR technologies like AR, which let users virtually explore brands’ store pages as though they were present inside any given location.

Develop a Push Notifications App

The secret to being on the top of your customers’ minds has apps are just for them. Push notifications can be used consistently so that you’re always right there in the back pocket when they need some more guidance, or maybe even an update!

Apps can effectively drive clients to your products or services by:

  • Streamlining the shopping experience with one-click purchases
  • Retaining customers by offering personalized recommendations
  • Offering style advice based on local weather
  • Discounts for customers who order through the app
  • Creating flash sales for subscribers only
  • Reminding customers of their orders and checkout status

Target Virtual Reality Technologies

One of the more overlooked ways to market your product is virtual reality. Different strategies work best for reaching audiences with high incomes and tech-savvy knowledge, so these methods should be considered when planning to stay on top of industry trends. 

AR is a great way to make your virtual space more realistic and immersive. Some furniture stores already let you upload pictures of the room and its dimensions so that customers can see how their favorite piece will look in that setting before they buy it online or at home. 

Final Verdicts

eCommerce has evolved dramatically in recent years. Due to a global pandemic, online shopping is seeing unprecedented growth. Can your marketing strategies keep up?

This guide outlines 14 strategies that range from free and instantaneous to those that will take months or thousands of dollars to implement. 

Sometimes, you need help finding your way. Whether you are building a website or developing marketing strategies for Shopify stores, we can help! Contact us to figure out how our team could make things easier for you.

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